Module Settings Parameters
This page documents the standard parameters that can be used with all or many modules. A module may have additional parameters that are specific to it - see Index of Modules for links to the documentation of individual modules with information about module-specific parameters.
Standard Parameter List
Below are the standard parameters used to configure modules, grouped into the main types of settings.
Except for Module Name, these Basic settings are not used with PluginModule, only with Admin->Modules
Label | Parameter | Accepted Values | Description |
Module Name | module | With PluginModule, the format is "last_blog_posts" for example | Select the module to display. Both pre-configured modules and any custom modules you may have defined will be available. |
Position | n/a | left or right With Tiki7: Top Top Bar Page Top Page Bottom Bottom |
Select which area the module should be displayed in. |
Order | n/a | number from 1 through 49 | Select the order for this module. Will be displayed in ascending order within each area, with module 1 shown first. If two or more modules have the same order number, Tikiwiki will randomly select a which module appears first. You can use the Assigned Modules area to move modules up or down, within a column |
Cache Time | n/a | numeric | The amount of time (in seconds) that the module's content can be in the cache (regardless of this number some modules are never cached). If a module can be cached then it will be refreshed after the indicated time passes. Use 0 to never cache the module. |
Groups | n/a | any valid group name | Use to select which groups will see the module. You must select at least one group — or no one will be able to see the module. If you select more than one group, the module will be shown to users who belong to any of the selected groups. |
Visibility | n/a | This option appears only if you have selected the Users can configure modules on the Admin Modules page. Use this option to specify if users who have customized their modules will be able to see the newly assigned modules. Select from the following options: Displayed now for all eligible users even with personal assigned modules Displayed now for all eligible users with no personal assigned modules Displayed now, can't be unassigned Not displayed until a user chooses it This setting can be affected in other ways by the overall admin settings for modules - see Module Admin for more information. |
With version 3x and before, the parameters setting is where all parameters were set, as explained in the Interface and Syntax section above:
Label | Parameter | Accepted Values | Description |
Parameters | n/a | Parameter settings separated by "&", Example: "notitle=y&lanf=fr" | Add any parameters here. |
Label | Parameter | Description | Version |
Module Title | title | To override the title of a menu, enter title=Menu. To have no title, use the param notitle=y | |
No Box | nobox | Values are 'y' or 'n', default is 'n'. It's advised to use nobox=y as parameter for modules including phplayers menu. When nobox=y is used with the MODULE wikiplugin (as an argument), only the module data is displayed. The surrounding,, and tags are not used. This parameter has no effect for modules assigned on the admin modules page for the left and right columns. The decorations=n parameter should be used for a "nobox" effect in these locations. | 2.0 |
Decorations | decorations | Suppress module decorations by entering decorations=n. This is unlikely to be useful for most admins (it is provided to enable module content to be embedded in other CMS sections). This param does not affect the title (see notitle param for that) | |
No Title | notitle | To not show the title for the module. Values are y or n - default n | 2.0 |
Flip | flip | To make a module shadeable - to toggle the module contents, so that only the titlebar is displayed - by entering flip=y in the parameter field. This causes the module to display a button on the title bar that will toggle module contents on and off. The module defaults to unshaded (contents shown) and the state is stored in the users' session cookie. Entering flip=yc defaults the module to shaded. See also the Users Shade Modules feature. | |
Style | style | CSS styling for positioning and formatting the module (valid CSS attribute syntax). something like this 'border: 1px solid black; margin: 0 auto;' |
7.0 |
Class | class | Custom CSS class | 7.0 |
No Numbers | nonums | If set to "y", the module will not number list items. Doesn't apply to all modules | |
Rows | rows | The maximum number of rows a module will display, if applicable to that module. For example, when selecting a "ranking" or "listing" module, use this setting to configure how many items to display. Default = 10. |
Overflow | overflow | If you are using PHPLayersMenu vertical, the menus need to overflow out of the module and into the middle section. Use overflow=y. | 1.9.8 |
Background Color | bgcolor | To override the background color of the title box. The value can be a color name (ex: bgcolor=blue) or an hexadecimal value(ex: bgcolor=#FFEBCD) | 2.0 Used only with PluginModule |
Color | color | To override the text color in the tile. (ex: color=white) | 2.0 Discontinued after 2.0 |
Label | Parameter | Description | Since |
Perspective | perspective | to filter module to only this list of perspectives. Starting in 6.2, you can also indicated 0 as the default perspective | 4.0 |
Language | lang | To display a module based on the language of the site. Enter lang=fr for example, which means the module will be displayed only if the current language is French. You may also enter lang[]=en&lang[]=fr what will display the module only if the current language is French or English. See a list of possible language strings in | |
Section | section | To cause a module to only appear in one section. eg. wiki page or mytiki. For a full list of sections, see the Sections Page | |
Page Filter | page | The module will only be displayed with the wiki page indicated, for example: "page=HomePage". Separate multiple values with semi-colons. From Tiki 6.0 custom user modules you have to put page[0]=Page1&page[1]=Page2. Non wiki pages unsupported. | 2.0 Multiple values work after 3x. |
n/a | page[] | To specify multiple page use page[]=hello&page[]=What+to+do, the module will appear on any of these pages. | 3.0 Replaced after 3x by ability to specify multiple pages using the page parameter |
No Page | nopage | Module will not show when on this page. To specify more than one page use nopage[]=daisy&nopage[]=ripe+tomato. The module will appear only when not on one of these pages | 3.0 |
Theme | theme | The module will only be displayed if the theme is 'theme'. Example: theme=strasa.css | 2.0 |
Creator | creator | Value is 'y' or 'n': If you are in a wiki section and if you are on a page, it will display the module only if you are the page creator if creator=y, only if you are not the page creator if creator=n. | 2.0 |
Contributor | contributor | Value is 'y' or 'n': If you are in a wiki section and if you are on a page, it will display the module only if you are one of the contributors if contributor=y , only if not if contributor=n - contributors are the users that the page history knows who edited the page (Notice: if the history is cleared or if the history is not activated, the contributors list is empty). | 2.0 |
Where To Go From Here
To learn about any module-specific parameters related to an individual module, please see Index of Modules for links to the documentation of individual modules with information about that module's specific parameters.
Or go to the next page in the Module Admin series to learn about Creating User Modules.