Automatic updates | |
This is the recipe for 1-click updates/upgrades starting in Tiki25.
Context | |
1-click updates/upgrades is a highly-requested capability which is tricky to do right. Risks include:
Requirements | |
High-level | |
Once set up, Tiki will update Tiki Manager, and Tiki Manager will update/upgrade Tiki. Steps:
Benefits | |
While tools have been available for years for updates/upgrades, they required using the command line. Starting in Tiki25, the command line will only be required for the initial setup. |
Code directly from Git sources | |
Pick your preferred lifecycle | |
Sensible file permissions | |
Since Tiki Manager is not ran by the web user (like Apache or www), it can set safer file permissions |
Background process | |
Since Tiki Manager is not ran by the web user (like Apache or www), it is not prone to time-out errors |
Testing on clones | |
A Tiki instance can be managed by more than one Tiki Manager | |
Tons of other features | |
Before Tiki25 via command line | |
Tiki Manager | |
Recent versions of Tiki Manager use Git, but previously, it was SVN
svnup.php | |
svnup.php which is bundled starting in Tiki17 An example of this script on a daily cron job Copy to clipboard