Admin Access | |
To access administration you need Admin permissions. From the main Menu: click on "Admin" or "Admin" > "Admin Home". You can also use the quick access |
Activate the Feature | |
The feature is activated by default on new install. If not, activate it on the "Features" admin panel. |
File Galleries | |
There's an important setting for the file galleries: the storage strategy for files. You can choose one of two options to store file gallery files:
Storing files in the database | |
If you decide to store files in the database then each file data will be stored in a database table (field). This has the following advantages and disadvantages:
Storing files in a directory | |
If you decide to store files in a directory you must indicate the path to a directory where you will store files. The directory can be absolute or relative to the Tiki directory for example:
It is recommended to store your files in a non-web accessible directory. Thus, even by guessing the file hash (a long code), it's not possible to access the file without going via Tiki, and the relevant group / permission mechanisms. Storing files in a directory has the following advantages and disadvantages
Move files between them | |
Since Tiki5 (and backported to Tiki4.2) you can move the file in the database to the file system and the other way round, which is very helpful when migrating a tiki from one hosting to another one, for instance. |
Quota | |
tw >=4
Backlinks | |
tw >=5
Parameters for images | |
Since Tiki6, there are a few parameters related to set the maximum size for width and height of images once uploaded to that file gallery, as well as the default syntax to be added in the wiki page (or any other textarea) when the user selects an image from a file gallery through the image buttons in the toolbar at the wiki edit page.
Filtering file uploads | |
You can set up filters for filenames so filenames will be checked and maybe rejected depending on their filenames. Filters are regular expressions perl-like without the // delimiters. |
Filename must match | |
A regular expression that must be matched to accept the file example [A-Za-z]* (filename can only have a-z letters) For example, if you want to require that uploads must have a wordprocessing file extension, you could enter .*\.(odt|sxw|doc|dot|rtf|wpt|frm|wpd|txt|ODT|SXW|DOC|DOT|RTF|WPT|FRM|WPD|TXT) |
Filename must not match | |
A regular expression that if matched rejects the file, example \.gif (rejects gif images note that the period must be escaped since we are using regular expressions) If you don't know anything about regular expressions just leave the fields blank and all the files will be accepted. |
File galleries search indexing | |
Please see Search within files |
Automatic deletion of old files | |
tw >=5.0
Copy to clipboard
Fix mime types based on file suffix | |
Under some conditions (combination of browser, web server, upload method), uploaded files get the mime type application/octet-stream instead of image/*. When activating this setting, the suffix of the uploaded file name will be used to override the mime type application/octet-stream. The following suffixes are recognized (case insensitive):
Admin view | |
Administrator can use an admin view of the file galleries.
User parameters | |
tw >=6.1 - from this version the various labels used to describe who has done what have been updated. When setting what is displayed for either the general user or the system Admin the following options are available:
The display column 'Creator' should only be used if the feature_file_galleries_author preference is set 'on'. This option then allows a text field to be used to capture a description of the creator of the file, if different from the 'Uploaded by' user - where this text is not automatically changed when a new version is uploaded. Please note that this preference is currently somewhat ambiguously labelled "Require file author's name for anonymous uploads" in the File Gallery admin screen |
Setting the maximum upload size | |
Podcasts | |
These types of files allow you to have a file directly accessible from an url
Troubleshooting | |