Introduction | |
GlitchTip is an Open Source error tracking system and you can self-host GlitchTip or subscribe to It also does:
Setup GlitchTip for a new project: | |
1.1.3. Create a new system configuration .ini file or add a new rule and modify local.php: | |
It is not recommended to use tiki-admin.php Setup Error Tracking feature in Admin > General > Error Tracking because it loads later and will miss some error messages
../tikiconfig/prefs.ini Copy to clipboard
Of course, replace the preference.error_tracking_dsn link with the DSN generated by GlitchTip
db/local.php Copy to clipboard
1.1.4. You are done | |
Check the errors reported in your GlitchTip instance, by navigating to your project.
Sample rate | |
Sampling allows you to better manage the number of reported events, so you can tailor the volume of data needed. Use a value between 0 and 1. E.g.: 0.25 (will report 25% of the events)
Usage for the Tiki development process | |
Related links | |