Parameters |
Accepted Values |
Description |
Default |
Since |
module |
action_calendar| alternate_register_link_because_InterTiki| alternate_search| Application_Menu| Archived Content| article_archives| article_topics| articles| Back To Top 0.4.3| zotero| breadcrumbs| calendar_new| cart| categories| category_transition| change_category| collapse| Compare| contributors| cookiesettings| Copyright| current_activity| Custom site logo| Custom Temporary Notice| directory_stats| Doc Menu| doc-dev-crosslinks| doc_annexes| doc_index| Documentation Menu| documentation_toc| domain_password| facebook| FAQ redirect| featured_links| file_galleries| friend_list| git_detail| adsense| google| groups_emulation| header_navbar_fixed-top| Hide Fixed Top Nav Bar on Scroll (0.4)| Keywords| last_actions| last_visitors| last_modified_blogs| last_modif_events| last_file_galleries| breadcrumb| last_modif_pages| map_layer_selector| list| live_support| locator| login_box| logo| map_edit_features| map_search_location| menu| menupage| minichat| Minou| mod_Admins| map_mode_selector| modHelp| zone| months_links| search_morelikethis| top_active_blogs| users_rank| most_commented| forums_most_commented_forums| freetags_most_popular| mustread| user_blogs| user_bookmarks| freetags_prefered| users_own_rank| user_tasks| register| last_submissions| blog_last_comments| last_blog_posts| last_created_blogs| last_category_objects| wiki_last_comments| directory_last_sites| last_created_faqs| last_files| forums_last_posts| last_podcasts| last_created_quizzes| last_tracker_comments| last_tracker_items| last_validated_faq_questions| rsslist| Newsletter_subscribe| notificationlink| old_articles| who_is_there| package| pagetop_hero| payment_outstanding| num_submissions| permissions| perspective| Post-it| Postit| poweredby| user_tasks_public| adminbar| quickadmin| quick_edit| quick_search| QuickPoll| random_pages| reading_time| comm_received_objects| recordrtc| whats_related| related_video| search| search_wiki_page| search_last_rebuild_stats| semantic_links| loadstats| SF| SF_Logo| share| Shared_footer| short_url| shoutbox| action_similarcontent| freetags_morelikethis| since_last_visit_new| since_last_visit| wayfinder| switch_lang_admin| switch_color_mode| switch_lang| switch_theme| freetag| terminology| assistant| tikitests| credits| Tiki_sites_dropdown| TikiDocumentationSuite| TikiStats| top_articles| top_blog_posters| directory_top_sites| top_file_galleries| top_files| top_forum_posters| top_objects| top_pages| top_quizzes| top_visited_blogs| top_visited_faqs| forums_most_read_topics| forums_most_visited_forums| forums_best_voted_topics| topbar_navbar_main-navigation| trackerhelp| tracker_input| translation| twitter| messages_unread_messages| upcoming_events| user_pages| usergroup_tracker| users_list| websearch| freetags_current| menustructure| xmpp| youtube| last_youtube_playlist_videos |
Module name as known in Tiki |
1 |
title |
text |
Title to display at the top of the box, assuming No Title is not set to Yes (y ). |
1 |
contributor |
alpha |
Module only available based on the relationship of the user with the wiki page.
Either only contributors (%0y%1) or only non-contributors (%0n%1) will see the module. |
9.0 |
creator |
alpha |
Module only available based on the relationship of the user with the wiki page.
Either only creators (y ) or only non-creators (n ) will see the module. |
9.0 |
device |
separator: ; |
On which device the module must be displayed, by default it is displayed on all devices. |
24 |
max |
digits |
Number of rows (default: 10 ) |
10 |
1 |
notitle |
(blank) y n |
Select Yes (y ) to hide the title (default is to show the title) |
3.0 |
bgcolor |
text |
Override the background color for the title (if the title is shown). The value
can be a color name (ex: bgcolor="blue" ) or a hexadecimal value (ex: bgcolor="#FFEBCD" ) |
9.0 |
decoration |
(blank) 1 0 |
Show module title (heading) background, etc. (default is to show them) |
1 |
category |
alnum separator: ; |
Module displayed depending on category. Multiple category ids or names can be
separated by semi-colons. |
9.0 |
class |
Custom CSS class. |
9.0 |
topclass |
Custom CSS class of div around the module. |
9.0 |
flip |
(blank) 1 0 |
Add ability to show/hide the content of the module (default is the site admin
setting for modules) |
1 |
float |
(blank) nofloat left right |
Align the module to the left or right on the page allowing other elements to align against it |
1 |
lang |
lang separator: ; |
Module only applicable for the specified languages. Languages are defined as two
character language codes. Multiple values can be separated by semi-colons. |
9.0 |
module_style |
Inline CSS for the containing div element, for example, max-width:80% |
9.0 |
nobox |
(blank) y n |
y|n Show only the content with no title or borders, etc. around the content. |
9.0 |
nocategory |
alnum separator: ; |
Module hidden depending on category. Multiple category ids or names can be
separated by semi-colons. This takes precedence over the category parameter above. |
9.0 |
nopage |
pagename separator: ; |
Module not applicable on the specified page names. Multiple values can be
separated by semi-colons. |
9.0 |
page |
pagename separator: ; |
Module only applicable on the specified page names. Multiple values can be
separated by semi-colons. |
9.0 |
np |
(blank) 0 1 |
Parse wiki syntax. Default: No |
1 |
1 |
perspective |
digits separator: ; |
Only display the module if in one of the listed perspective IDs. Semi-colon
separated. |
9.0 |
section |
text separator: ; |
Module only applicable for the specified sections. Multiple values can be
separated by semi-colons. |
9.0 |
style |
CSS styling for the module data itself. |
9.0 |
theme |
themename separator: ; |
Module enabled or disabled depending on the theme file name (e.g.
thenews.css ). Specified themes can be either included or excluded. Theme names prefixed by !
are in the exclusion list. Multiple values can be separated by semi-colons. |
9.0 |