Wiki Inline Editing
Starting in Tiki12, Tiki offers the option to edit inline a wiki page in wysiwyg mode with a simplified editor, which is based on Ckeditor4. The editor can be quickly turned on/off. All processing is done client side.
How it works
When you are on a wiki page where you want to edit things inline, you have to start the inline wiki editor by means of clicking at the icon
next to the standard wiki page edition icon, on the top right corner of the wiki page.
Once you have clicked at that icon, the wiki page changes into inline edition mode, and the corresponding icon is then this other one:
. Since that moment, editing can be done per "section": just read the page until the section that you want to edit, and click on it.
After a section is edited, the user can choose top save or cancel the changes. Or, simply click somewhere else, and the section editor closes, but the (unsaved) changes remain. This way a number of sections can be edited, and reviewed, without actually committing the change. The system will mark the "dirty" sections for easy user recognition.
At the end, commit all by saving from any section edit toolbar. If you click to any link to move out of the page edition before you saved your changes, you will be warned that you might loose your changes, so that you have to cancel the exit, and save your changes in that page through the corresponding button in any section edit toolbar before moving elsewhere.
Other notes and info to be aware of when using the wysiwyg wiki inline editor:
- An inline editing session is "sticky", meaning it remains on until it is explicitly turned off. The user can thus visit multiple wiki pages in a single session. However, if changes are done to a page, these changes must be commit or cancelled before moving on to the next page.
- When an inline session is ended, all pending changes (on the current page) are discarded.
- Access to inline editing is controlled by the standard "edit" permission. However, it is also possible to grant only inline edit access. Then the user can edit and save using inline edit, but won't be able to start a regular editor.
You can also have a look at the basic behavior of this feature in this screencast:
{flash type="url" movie="" width="771" height="302"}
Inline editor limitations
The inline editor works on sections of the content, and it has some limitations
- New sections cannot be created. Thus, headings (H1..) cannot be created (it would create a new section)
- Beware of session timeouts. There is no auto-save.
- Sections that Tiki cannot handle editing of (e.g. sections containing plugins) are marked as not-editable. The user must use the standard editor to alter such content.
Click to expand
- It is not possible to edit the HTML source code
- It only works only for new pages you create
- If you have many imported pages coming from previous versions, you can not use this editor as you will get an "Ajax error" messages
Page format issues
Wiki pages can be in wiki format or HTML format. Inline editing will save the content in the original format. Thus, for an HTML page, inline editing will save in HTML format. For a wiki page, inline editing will save in wiki format
Inline editing uses HTML , and the content must be converted to wiki format in order to save wiki format.
The wiki format has several limitations compared to HTML. The conversion process html-to-wiki may cause loss of data, due to these limitations.
Here is a list of known differences
- Tables will map 1-to-1 in HTML format. In wiki format the table scaling and formatting may get lost.
- HTML tags in the content (not active, but as a part of a description, is OK when saved in HTML format. The tags are correctly HTML encoded in the database. The wiki format will strip content that looks like HTML. Note: the standard HTML editor also cannot handle "HTML tags" in the content. It will convert the description tags to actual HTML elements.
References and Resources
- dev.t.o page for ckeditor4
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