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Raw page display

Tiki allows to display wiki page in "raw" format by means of calling a wiki page through tiki-index_raw.php with some extra parameters in the url. This is useful for highly customized content presentation of that wiki page, such as in the case of JQS5 slideshow presentations or exporting file with data from pretty trackers for R scripts (see PluginR to cite just two examples).

Usage and Parameters

To show the content of a wiki page in "raw format", you can use a combination of the following parameters in the URL:

Parameter Accepted values Default Effect Required? Since
page text (wiki page names) default homepage show that wiki page in raw mode y
clean will show the page without the author & contributor information nor the labels for the buttons at the page bar (edit, source, etc) n 6.1
download will show the user a dialog to allow downloading a file on disk with the raw contents of that page instead of displaying it in the browser. Useful to be used in conjunction with the params clean, "textonly" and "filename" n 6.1
full will show most of the page with the javascript and css effects associated to it n 5.0
format jqs5 will show the page with the required javascript to display the contents as an S5 slideshow presentation n 5.0 (broken in 16.x?)
textonly will show contents of the page without any html tags, but only the text. Useful to be used in conjunction with the params "clean", "download" and "filename" n 6.1
filename my_custom_script.r (wiki page name) will provide a default filename (and extension, if added) to the user in the download dialogue. Useful to be used in conjunction with the params "download" n 6.1
css will serve the page as text/css file type instead of text/plain in the download dialogue. Useful to be used in conjunction with the params download, clean and textonly n 16.3/17.0

Example 1

This code,

Syntax for the S5 slideshow presentation
Copy to clipboard

Would produce on this site: (click in the url to see it)

Example 2

This code,

Syntax to allow downloading the contents of a page as clean text (no buttons) and in text only mode
Copy to clipboard

Would produce on this site: (click in the url to see it)


Raw display | Raw

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