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History: Auto-Increment Field

Source of version: 11 (current)

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            !Auto-increment Field / ItemId Field

The field type enables you to assign a column for an ID number to a tracker. You can either use the itemID from tiki (which counts all items in all trackers) or an ID you define using a string and a consecutive increasing numeric value.

For instance
*with a parameter: 1,File
The first item field value will be File1, the second item field value will be File2
*with a parameter: 0,,,itemId
The field value will be the itemId

||Value|Description|Tiki version
numeric|Initial value, default 1|tw>2.0
string|Prepend string|tw>=2.0
string|Append string|tw>=2.0
the string itemId|the field will contain the itemId|tw>=2.0
The option are separated with comma.

Since ((Tiki9)), this field can be used in ((PluginTrackerFilter)) to allow users to do custom searches of  items in a tracker based also on their auto-increment field.

* an auto-increment field is only set up when the item is created
* an itemId field is only set up when the item is created or modified
In order to set a new itemId field on existing items. this sql query can be used
DELETE FROM `tiki_tracker_item_fields` WHERE `fieldId`=317;
INSERT INTO `tiki_tracker_item_fields` ( `itemId` , `fieldId` , `value` )
SELECT `itemId` , 317, `itemId`
FROM tiki_tracker_items
WHERE `trackerId` =54 
Where 317 is your itemId field and 54 your trackerId.

!!Note about ItemID before version 2.0
In later versions of the 1.9.x series, ItemID was available via ((System Tracker Field))