History: Changelog 1.6
Source of version: 4 (current)
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!Changelog 1.6 * Wiki structures added. You can organize wiki pages in structures and pages belonging to a structure will show a navigation bar to the next-prev page in the structure. A {toc} tag was added to display a table of contents for the current structure (in the first page of the structure for example) * Directory added. A link directory was added, you can classify links in categories and let the user browser the categories or find links using a search engine. Users can suggest links that may need to be validated by an admin. * Permissions levels added, you can set-up the level of each permission and then you can assign all level x permissions to a specific group. This can be used to quickly setup group permissions using packs of permissions around a level. * Inter-user messages. Users of a Tiki site can send messages to other users and receive messages, privacy settings added as well as options to flag messages, mark them, reply, etc. Admin can broadcast messages to all the users in the site. A module to display new messages was added. * Contact-us module. A module where the user can contact the admin using the ineternal messaging system (if enabled) or an email. * Who's online module. A module diplsying the names of the registered users that are online. * Permissions interface improved. Permissions are now assigned/removed using checkboxes, you can now assign/remove many permissions in one post. * Mail-In feature added for the Wiki. An email account can be configured to manipulate wiki pages. Several account types supported. Users can receive wiki pages by email, update pages by email or append text to wiki pages sending emails to the configured accounts. * Remember-me feature added to the ligin box (if enabled) the lifetime of the cookie used to remember the user can be configured. * New themes added: tceti,elegant,whitebluegray,bluegreen and others * You can now view the source of any version in the page history listing and remove many versions of a page using checkboxes. * Inter-Wiki links were added admin can setup sites that can be used as external wikis and then the syntax ~np~ ((WikiName:PageName)) ~/np~ can be used to link to external pages in other wikis. * Optionally admin can implement user-level locks of pages, when activated users with permission to lock pages can lock pages and only the user who locked a page or an admin can unlock it. The user who locked the page is displayed as a tooltip of the locked page icon. * Handlers can be defined by the user to run some custom PHP functions before parsing wiki pages or after parsing. * A mini calendar was added users can enter events and view the calendar as a list of events, as a weekly calendar or as a daily calendar. Reminders can be used no notify the user before an event occurs. Calendars can be imported/exported to/from Outlook. * A theme can now redefine any Tiki template, if a theme is found in templates/$theme then that template is used, if not the template in templates/ is used. * As an alternative Wiki table rows can now be separated by a new line instead of || making the table syntax more readable. * Users can add personal items to the application menu, as an option toplevel bookmars can be automatically added to the menu. * User notepad added, users can write notes or upload notes, read them and download them. * Newsreader added, users can read news from any NNTP site. * New wiki plugins added see the Wiki plugins section in this manual for information. * Wiki page footnotes added, a footnote can contain user-level comments about the page. The footnote is only displayed to the user that created it. * Plugins are now re-entrant and recursive. Plugins can be nested and plugins can generate other plugins code or wiki markup code. * Wiki structures can be used to generate slide shows. * User tasks added, including a module that can be used to enter new tasks display actiuve tasks and remove tasks or mark them as done. * Theme control center added: when activated admin can make sections, categories or individual objects use a particular theme. Your site can then use multiple themes cahnging the look and feel of the site as the users navigate it. * Performance increased by reducing the size of libraries and making the string translation phase a compile-level task. * User files added, users can upload personal files and download them, admin can set up a quota for users. * Ephemerides added, text/images can be entered for each day in the calendar and the users can browse them, a module to display today tetx/image if it exist is also provided. * Many new minor features, improvements and enhancements were also added for this release.