History: Monitoring
Source of version: 14 (current)
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! Monitoring Tiki Tiki’s tiki-monitor.php script now supports enhanced options to facilitate integration with monitoring systems like Nagios, Zabbix, and Icinga. These enhancements include IP restrictions, token-based authentication, role-based data visibility, custom probes, and support for multiple HTTP methods with custom error codes. __Nagios__ * Ensure all necessary services/daemons are running. Use check_procs or [http://tiki.gmartin.org/tiki-view_blog_post.php?postId=163|check_ssh] (to call check_procs on remote server) ** Apache ** MySQL (also use check_mysql to run test queries) * Ensure adequate memory, cpu and disk space are available using check_mem, check_load and check_disk * Ensure web site is healthy. ** Use check_http to check a particular web page or ** Use [http://labs.consol.de/lang/en/nagios/check_webinject/|check_webinject ]to script a login and perform a more detailed site check * Track site performance ** Use pnp4nagios or nagiosgraph to capture the performance data from check_http or check_webinject to track response time data over time. !! Tiki Monitoring Script The primary monitoring script, -+tiki-monitor.php+-, now supports multiple options to integrate seamlessly with external monitoring systems like Nagios, Zabbix, and Icinga. * __IP Restriction:__ ** Define IP addresses allowed to access the monitoring script. Set the -+monitoring_restricted_ips+- preference with a comma-separated list of IPs, ensuring only specified addresses can initiate requests. This setting complements the existing $tikiMonitorRestriction option for backward compatibility. ** Example Configuration:{CODE()}, {CODE} * __Token-Based Authentication:__ ** Set a monitoring_token preference to authenticate requests via a secure token.%%%The token can be passed as: **** A GET or POST parameter with the name -+monitoring_token+- **** An HTTP header -+X-Tiki-Monitoring-Token+- ** Requests with an invalid token return HTTP 401, preventing unauthorized access. ** Token Usage Examples: *** GET Parameter:{CODE()} curl --location '<domain>/tiki-monitor.php?monitoring_token=your_token_here' {CODE} *** POST Parameter:{CODE()}curl --location '<domain>/tiki-monitor.php' --form 'monitoring_token=your_token_here'{CODE} *** HTTP header: {CODE()} curl --location --head '<domain>/tiki-monitor.php' --header 'X-Tiki-Monitoring-Token: your_token_here' {CODE} * __Role-Based Data Visibility:__ ** Configure data visibility with the monitoring_auth preference to control which data is accessible to authenticated vs. public users. ** Define rules such as -+OPCodeCache:auth+- or -+*:auth+- to specify visibility at the key level in JSON output, allowing fine-grained control over what each role can see. ** __Two roles are supported:__ *** -+public+-: Default role with access to limited data. *** -+auth+-: Role for authenticated users (admin or valid token).%%%Users with auth can see both public and restricted data based on rule configuration. *** Example Rule:{CODE()} OPCodeCache:auth SearchIndexRebuildLast:public OpCodeStats.opcode_cache:public OpCodeStats:auth *:auth {CODE} *** With these rules, public users would only see selected keys, while authenticated users would have broader access. If no custom rules are provided, defaults apply to retain backward compatibility. * __Custom Probes:__ ** Use the monitoring_probes preference to define specific checks (probes) using Tiki’s calculation syntax. ** Examples of probes: *** Basic Comparison:{CODE()} (less-than SearchIndexRebuildLast 10) {CODE} *** Timestamp Comparison: {CODE()} (less-than SearchIndexRebuildLast NOW) {CODE} *** Equality Check: {CODE()} (equals OpCodeStats.opcode_cache "OpCache") {CODE} ** Sample JSON Output with Probes:{CODE()} { "Probes": { "result": "OK", "details": { "probe_1": "OK", "probe_2": "OK" } } } {CODE} ** If probes fail, the result field will be set to FAIL, and each probe’s status will be noted. * __HTTP Methods and Custom Error Codes:__ ** The script supports HEAD, GET, and POST methods: *** -+HEAD+-: Returns no body, useful for health checks. *** -+GET+- and -+POST+-: Standard responses based on request. ** The parameter -+monitoring_error_code+- (passed as a GET/POST parameter or -+X-Tiki-Monitoring-Error-Code+- header) specifies a custom HTTP code (200-599) to be returned on probe failure. ** Examples of Custom Error Codes: *** GET Request: {CODE()} curl --location '<domain>/tiki-monitor.php?monitoring_error_code=400' {CODE} *** POST Request: {CODE()} curl --location '<domain>/tiki-monitor.php' --form 'monitoring_error_code=400' {CODE} *** HEAD Request: {CODE()} curl --location --head '<domain>/tiki-monitor.php' --header 'X-Tiki-Monitoring-Error-Code: 400' {CODE} !! Configuration * Configure the preferences within tiki-admin.php?page=performance * Set IP restrictions with monitoring_restricted_ips. * Enable token-based requests with monitoring_token. * Define visibility rules with monitor_rules. * Add probes in monitor_probes. !! Additional Monitoring Scripts In addition to tiki-monitor.php, Tiki includes other monitoring scripts for system health checks: * check_tiki.php – A basic health-check script. * check_tiki-new.php – An enhanced version of check_tiki.php with extended checks. !! Code in Tiki for Zabbix, Nagios, Icinga, Shinken, etc. * https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/blob/master/tiki-monitor.php * https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/blob/master/doc/devtools/check_tiki.php * https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/blob/master/doc/devtools/check_tiki-new.php