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History: PluginOEmbed

Source of version: 8

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            ! Plugin OEmbed
This ((wiki plugin)) enables embedding of external videos or media into Tiki pages using the oEmbed protocol. It fetches and processes metadata from a provided media URL, generating an embedded media player.

!! Parameters
{pluginmanager plugin="oembed"}
Note : You can use the provided parameters like width, height, allowFullScreen, etc. to customize the oEmbed output. Refer to the [https://oembed.com/|oEmbed documentation] for additional details.

!! Show a video
''This code:''
{youtube movie="G1TuB5P4Ypw" width="425" height="350" quality="high" allowFullScreen="y"}

''Would produce:''


Information Version
Olivier Kango 20
Olivier Kango 19
Olivier Kango 18
Olivier Kango 17
Olivier Kango 16
Olivier Kango 15
Olivier Kango 14
Olivier Kango 13
Olivier Kango 12
Olivier Kango 11
Olivier Kango 10
Olivier Kango 9
Olivier Kango 8
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Olivier Kango 5
Olivier Kango 4
Olivier Kango 3
Olivier Kango 2
Olivier Kango 1