Score C
- Status
- Open
- Name
- Score
- Feature name and link
- Score
- Description
- If appropriate for the site, this feature implements a game approach to motivate people to participate in the online community. Users are given points for things they do in the site, like writing or reading an article, starting a new topic in a forum, voting in a poll, etc. They also earn points by having his/her blogs and articles read and commented on. Then the users will be able to see their position in a ranking.
- Dev (Bug reports & Feature requests)
- Description en français
- Descripción en español
- Descripció en català
- Popular alternatives
- Type of feature
- Transversal
- Setup and admin UI
- UI end user
- Stability
- Feature-set and power
- C
- Number of permissions
- Permissions
- Can override global permissions?
- Uses wiki syntax
- Multilingual
- History of changes
- Watch item
- RSS feeds
- Import/export
- Attach files
- Comments
- Ratings
- Modules
- Score
- Works with global category system
- Category details
- Theme control
- Mobile version
- Printable version
- Modules: Since_last_visit
- MyTiki
- Search
- Documentation & demo URL links
- Notes
- Admin icon
- LastModif
- Sunday 25 June, 2017 11:54:59 GMT-0000